Welcome To Foydalive

Looking to meet New People? Build your friends circle, meet likewise minded, Engage yourself in Live Video call and Live chats.

Foydalive is a social network for broadcasting live video. Users of this application can broadcast videos from their own Android devices as well as watch broadcasts from other users, leaving comments and likes in real time. The way Foydalive works is very similar to other social networks. That is to say, you can follow other users, so if they start a live broadcast, you'll receive an instant notification; and, of course, other users can also follow you and get a notification whenever you start broadcasting, too. Each time you broadcast something, you'll earn coins and experience that you can use to level up. The coins can be used to buy all kinds of stickers and other fun add-ons that you can use during your broadcasts. Foydalive is a modern and fun social network, thanks to which you can meet new people and, above all else, have some fun watching entertaining broadcasts.
